Describing Architecture

1 Commercial Property II (16x11)2 Commercial Property V (12x9)3 Hôtel de Ville destroyed August 2013 to build a Tool Shed (11x9)4 Layers IMAGE (11x9)5 NewHouse IMAGE (14x14)6 White House painting that actually Gray (16x11)7 Golden Acre Painting (with Cherry Blossom Tree) (16x11)©Brian Cregan-8526©Brian Cregan-8532©Brian Cregan-8690©Brian Cregan-8531©Brian Cregan-8481

Selection of Works / Stephen Nolan


1. Commercial Property II
Oil on canvas on panel

2. Commercial Property V
Mixed Media, 12″x9″

3. Hôtel de Ville destroyed August 2013 to build a Tool Shed
Mixed Media, 11″x9″

4. Layers
Oil on canvas on panel

5. New House
Oil on canvas, 14″x14″

6. White House painting that is actually Gray
Mixed Media, 16″x11″

7. Golden Acre Painting (with Cherry Blossom Tree)
Oil on canvas on panel

Stephen’s paintings are inspired by personal memories and thoughts on the world. Using his paintings as a type of diary, Stephen likes to create colourful little statements on Irish culture and the physical world we have created for ourselves, his subtle imagery is informed by recurring themes of Irish culture as expressed through our architectural landscape. Painted on a modest scale they are loaded with humour, each piece a witty remark on Ireland and what it means to be Irish.