Describing Architecture

Altar to Lethe_comp 628Altar to Lethe_628DA13-8394DA13-8389DA13-8395DA13-8397

Altar to Lethe / Evelyn Glynn


12.5 ft x 4.5 ft (approx.)

Limerick School of Art and Design is located in the building that housed the city’s Magdalene laundry for a century and a half. Since it took over the building in 1994 the college has undergone two major refurbishments to adapt the space into a functioning and vibrant art college.

With every structural change that takes place the history of the Magdalene institution is put further out of reach. There is no formal acknowledgment of its former history.

The attic (former dormitory) is the only part of the building left untouched by the renovations but the spiral staircase that provided access to the space has been removed.
This is a digital projection (in its negative form) of a drawing of the spiral staircase that provided access to the attic. In Greek mythology Lethe is the goddess of forgetting/oblivion.